Monday, May 10, 2010

Check Yes or No

I miss these days. I miss sitting in my 7th grade class, watching a certain boy ( name withheld) look at me, fold a heart shape note and ask the kid next to him pass it to me. This is exactly what it said ( see pic above)! I was so flattered, shocked and disgusted all at the same time. But as I look back on it, HOW EASY! I wish relationships were like this now, come to my door, hand me this note, I will answer and give it back. You decide where to go from there ( ok maybe). But I REALLY times infinity wish that life decisions were like this, I wish it were just so easy and clear to check yes or no. So law school. . . check yes or no. . . make this decision easier for me PLEASE.


  1. YES to Law School. You are on a roll...the momentum is there to continue with school. Open yourself up like cousin Ryan to life experiences. This next chapter could be the MOST exciting one yet!!!

  2. Check YES to law school... and any opportunities (name withheld) that come your way. Never know what'll happen ;)

  3. I agree. A huge YES to law school...there's so many opportunities out there waiting for you. Plus, you'll never know unless you try.

    love ya!
