Friday, June 18, 2010

Most expensive shorts... ever

I loved these shorts. They were a great size, color, length and price. . . so I thought. Turns out these shorts came to a whopping 108.99. I brought one to the cash register, the very nice (and oh so confused girl) charged me 72.66 (WRONG). So I asked her to refund the price of one and she continued to appear to do that. However, I look on my bank statement another charge of 36.33. Three pairs of shorts that I do not have in my possession. Dear Shade Clothing, I will be visiting this afternoon.I will be asking for cash back :).

1 comment:

  1. Nordstrom rack had some that looked similar to these! i think they were only 20 bucks!(they are actually the ones i paid full price last year for!) i love them! try the one in sandy!!
