Friday, January 7, 2011

Fact 3

Another fact, bathroom... my cousin's wife keri on her single life blog talked about this- which i doubt the linked worked because this blog stuff is complicated to me (free fact thrown in today for you which is painfully obvious). But I seriously have issues about going to the bathroom without having some sort of water running, it is quite the problem when I am visiting somewhere. I just can't stand the thought of someone hearing me go to the bathroom!!! Maybe when I am grown up I will build my bathroom at the end of a hall, in a padded room so no one can hear me!

ALSO!!! Tomorrow is my bridal shower here in vegas, I can't believe the wedding is 8 days away! I am so excited!!!!


  1. I love the water running while going to the bathroom thing, but the *need* for that soon vanished when I got married. (Although it takes forever for the hot water in our house to start working so I've started turning the faucet on before I go to the bathroom so I can have hot water to wash my hands with when I'm done. I love irony. :D)

  2. I do the same thing, I'm not sure where it started or why haha.

    Enjoy your bridal shower! How exciting!!

  3. Hey it almost worked!!!! Haha except our address is thefordeverfamily. That one's a different Ford Family Forever haha. I love this post, so great. Way to let Trent know it all before the wedding!! LOVE YOU! Have fun at your shower!

  4. I love this. Can't wait to read more of your quirks.

  5. Oh I definitely remember this from roommate days. So funny. SO happy that your wedding is so soon! Happy day!
