Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back in the game!

My half marathon is in 3 months exactly, with a cruise inbetween (I mention it because I see it as a break in my training)
Usually I eat a piece of this bread before I run with some PB and some banana however today it was these beauties....
and it totally paid off! I made great time... who knew!!!

Also while I was running I saw my running idol, she is awesome. I was too scared to say hi, but it sure made me run my last three miles pretty fast trying to keep up with her ( yeah she was WAY too fast, but a stoplight did get in the way ... makes me feel better when I say that)

ALSO I guess I have to apologize to everyone, I am sorry I was cranky. I know I am SO blessed and have nothing to be cranky about but sometimes you just have those days and I like to think it is ok sometimes...


  1. I have never let my happy, blessing-filled life let me from having a cranky day.

  2. Oh my gosh! I have been looking for that bread everywhere - where do you buy it?!

  3. wow I would not do well with all that sugar.

  4. If you do sugar free syrup and vanilla yogurt it really is not that bad! :)
