Thursday, March 3, 2011

We've moved

ok, just kidding... kinda. I feel like I have. These are my new homes, I have been in training for my new job. It is up by the airport and with the awesome road constucting skills on display on Utah Valley's freeways it takes me about 60-90 minutes to get to work. Then to sit in front of a screen learning all about credit and accounts and money (ask me anything, seriously) then to drive home makes my day between 10-12 hours long. Little lolita (my car, duh) has gotten quite a workout, so has my debit card with gas... oh and the diet coke machine at the training facility.


  1. Uhhhh commuting is the worst, I get ya. I used to have to drive 45 minutes to school every day. It sucked. Get a Diet Coke for the road, for the office, and for the way home!!!

  2. I HAD COMMUTING!!! Good luck with that. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Girl, you are gorgeous!! Chelsea is my favorite...tell her hi for me!
