Thursday, April 21, 2011

My favorite things...

Obviously he is the favorite. Just a quick story, he was in the middle of a final... I started crying becasue I lost my camera that I bought when I finished the lsat. I told him where I thought it was and he rushed off about 11 pm to go grab it. Yeah, he is my favorite.

Sunday walks and these trees that pop up around Provo
These little beauties are right outside our house, but not for long, we are moving tomorrow!
If you have not seen this exhibit you are missing out on something beautiful. Go to the MOA cafe, grab a sandwich, wait in the enormous line to get an IPAD ( you will thank me later) then look through this exhibit ( you will double thank me later with brownies). It is beautiful.
I think WF keeps Dum Dums in business. If these are going to be scattered around my desk, they might as well look pretty.
I am packed... sundresses, t shirts and flip flops.
Yeah, look at this swimsuit. I have the best cousins ever. Yeah, there are kinda 4 right below it too :) Can't have too many of the same tan lines!

FOR SURE my favorite thing right now. About 4 pm saturday I will be on this beauty (except different cruise line). Tanning, running on a boat track, FOOD and MEXICO here we come!

1 comment:

  1. I am SOOO happy for you right now!!! You are going to have the time of your LIIIIFE!!! Eat an extra serving of something for me! AAAHHHH!! Jealous!!!
