Sunday, May 15, 2011

Explain this to me....

I have been sick the last 2 days and with this time in bed I have been able to blog surf. I have come across a new trend (or is it new) that I can not understand... it is where people pose EVERYDAY in their outfit and describe where they got it and how much it was. A) how do you have time for this? b) how do you look so cute EVERYDAY c) how can you remember how much everything was? One lady even described how she had to leave her sick child throwing up to get ready for her daily shot.. hmmm. I think they have some good ideas but I didn't know this was such a huge growing trend among the LDS bloggers...and why it is...

Here are the sites I found...

The Mom Uniform
The Daybook
Momma Go Round
La Vie Petite
i believe in unicorns does throw some awesome parties though
Busy Bee Lauren has not done it as much but she does have some fun photography to look at


  1. i have wondered this too. i feel like if TAMN was still around on SSB she would totally blog about her OOTD.

    how bout those acronyms!

  2. Hahaha I love babushka. Don't hate but I just started a blog where I take pictures of myself in every outfit I wear...pjs included. I think it'll catch on, don't you? :)

    p.s. i'm kidding, i'm lucky if i post one picture a month on my blog of myself where i look fashionable.

  3. It's definitely not just a Mormon thing. But I'm with you - I don't look good enough and it takes me too long to take any decent pictures.

  4. My mother always remembered how much everything cost/where it was from so I picked up on that annoying habit, too. Also, I have one friend who has taken several pictures of what she wears just so there is something out there that proves you can be cute and modest, too (however, it sounds like she does it with a lot less pomp and circumstance than the bloggers you linked to). Hope you're feeling better!

  5. oh girly, i don't do it everyday! i just have fashion sakes saturday, that way i only have to look cute once a week. haha
    it's fun, you can get fashion sponsors (free stuff) and it shows that you can be fashionable and modest at the same time. i know it can look a little strange, but hey, we all have our quirks...:)
