Thursday, February 11, 2010

Relief Society

Sunday we had a Relief Society training meeting. Honestly, I was dreading it going into it. Then, as I was there the Lord had softened my heart, so that is when all of my lack of dedication, lack of talent and gung-ho-ness had come to my mind. This organization really is incredible, and I am lucky enough to be part of it. It makes me really sad when girls our age ditch out on the meeting at church, visiting teaching and activities. So I am going to be better, using Emma Smith as my example. So here I am going to ask you... how can I make Relief Society better for our ward!?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that. I wish you could recreate the moment you had so we all could be inspired. I'm not the best visiting teacher. I go every month to one girl but I have a hard time making a connection with the other sister - and me and my partner don't have a lot of common ground. I guess we all need a trip back to the basics of what this program is all about. I'm feeling super selfish as I read over this "comment".
    On another note...Have a great time in Vegas.
