Saturday, July 10, 2010

This week's happenings. . .

Sorry for the lack of posting, life has but great with my new job! So here is an update on the last few weeks.

This is the tree of life at BYU... we went on a date to take pictures around BYU. This piece is great because you can take a picture at any angle and it looks great!

Provo's Freedom Festival... we had a rivalry with the stickers

I ate this... it was amazing!

For some reason I was very excited coming back from the cold Bridal Veil Falls.

Sorry it is sideways... but I was the only brave soul to head into the cold water

I love my mom

I love us

This Provo Parade was full of beauty queens and boy scouts.

We made ratatouille... it was hard, lots of chopping and stewing, for sure better the second day.

I love this barn, Trent and I went up to the Foutz family reunion and this was right across from the condo we were in.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I loved hearing the scoop on your fun life! And I love the photos!
