Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Morning Goodness

Thank you Williams Sonoma for your pancake goodness.
We were not so concerned with health this morning....
It's Sunday... give up some slack
Graham Cracker pancacke + Nutella + Whipping Cream on it and in mouth
= one happy husband.

PS.. on a selfish side note... I have 13 followers... my little brother has now surpased me in followers... am I boring?


  1. Yum! Also, you have 47 Google Reader subscribers :)

  2. it's okay, I only have 5 followers...and yet I'm pretty sure I have more readers than that ;)

  3. that looks so good... mmm happy sunday.
    and no you are not boring!

  4. Ummm I think I have 3 readers? haha. So don't worry! ha. And those pancakes sound so yummy! We had pancakes too, but ours were "great value" just add water pancakes!

  5. Just because I don't "follow" you doesn't mean I don't have your link on the side of my own blog and check it every time you update. +1!

  6. I WANT TO EAT ALL OF THOSE PANCAKES... EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!!!! Ps. I am now a follower. You can thank me by posting more because I read your blog every day... Even when you don't post! XOXO
