We loved our cruise (except the fact that Trent's back pack was lost/ stolen). Maybe it was all the time laying out or the food comas that induced this random blog post.
- I wish I had a different job. A job where I can do what I love and help people
- I wish I was a wedding planner (ok, so maybe I am 5... we are all over it)
- I am afraid of heights when I am connected to a rope
- I wish I was mor daring and more able to be myself all the time
- I wish I was not a people pleaser
- I love my husband more than anything... we spent so much time being gross and just staring at each other... love that kid
- I am eternally grateful for the Word of Wisdom
- Being healthy will now be my goal, not just being skinny
- I would rather not wear makeup, ever again
- I love bread baskets, especially when the bread is made by people NOT from america
- I am not a road trip person, planes are my thing (I think my impatience has to do with this)
- I would cruise again in a second
- I LOVE seeing new places and chatting it up with random strangers
ok just had to get that off my chest, now to search the job market to see what can make me happy!
Promise to return to a regular post soon and pics are coming!