Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ok the half marathon is less than 6 mo away and obviously from my wedding pics you all can see I am a little... well... pudgy.... I need to find some motivation to get to the gym. I was just reading my friend's blog, she goes to the gym for 2 hours a day! Geez... I need some of what she has got .... any ideas?


  1. I can't imagine going to the gym for two hours a day. Holy cow!

    I like to listen to audiobooks while I'm at the gym. Makes the time go much faster.

  2. Um, once again, you are NOT pudgy. So there.

    But maybe if you promise yourself a treat (not necessarily food, but a manicure or a day window shopping or something) every week that you make it to the gym three or four times or for ten hours total or something, it'll help motivate you?

  3. pudgy? that's ridiculous! you are NOT pudgy.

    i'd say change it up. you're going to drive yourself nuts if you run everyday. do you have a gold's gym pass? there is an AMAZING step class at like 5:50am at the golds right near BYU. it's kick your tush hard (as long as you push yourself) and SOOOOO fun!

    oh... and go 1st thing in the morning so you can't get lazy by the end of the day and skip out. i always skip out if i wait. :)

  4. oh i have been so dead to the world. I want to apologize from the deepest depths of my heart for not being able to make it to your reception. I got sick and who wants a sick, sore throated pregnant person to show up at their reception and get them sick for their honeymoon and then we went out of town, but i am back and alive. I am loving these piece by piece updates so please please keep them coming so I can feel like I was there. I bet it was just the most wonderful day and I can't believe you are married!!! I hope everything is going so well and I will hate that cop in my heart for the rest of my life just for you! Also I had your wedding present all ready to go until I got sick so now I need your address so I can send it to you! so message me on facebook or text me and I will send it off. You are gorgeous Lauren Olsen and I am absolutely loving your new name!
