Thursday, April 21, 2011

My favorite things...

Obviously he is the favorite. Just a quick story, he was in the middle of a final... I started crying becasue I lost my camera that I bought when I finished the lsat. I told him where I thought it was and he rushed off about 11 pm to go grab it. Yeah, he is my favorite.

Sunday walks and these trees that pop up around Provo
These little beauties are right outside our house, but not for long, we are moving tomorrow!
If you have not seen this exhibit you are missing out on something beautiful. Go to the MOA cafe, grab a sandwich, wait in the enormous line to get an IPAD ( you will thank me later) then look through this exhibit ( you will double thank me later with brownies). It is beautiful.
I think WF keeps Dum Dums in business. If these are going to be scattered around my desk, they might as well look pretty.
I am packed... sundresses, t shirts and flip flops.
Yeah, look at this swimsuit. I have the best cousins ever. Yeah, there are kinda 4 right below it too :) Can't have too many of the same tan lines!

FOR SURE my favorite thing right now. About 4 pm saturday I will be on this beauty (except different cruise line). Tanning, running on a boat track, FOOD and MEXICO here we come!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

my life...

I have seen this post around the internet, it just melts my heart because no matter what age we are there is always something we just can't quite grasp.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wei wei

Henri Bresson

Trent showed me this picture tonight... I just LOVE it. Yes, I know the little boy is carrying bottles of "sparking cider", but we get over that for art's sake. We were talking about how this little man must feel, he just looks like he knows he is a million bucks. My goal is to walk around work like this tomorrow, not cocky but SURE. It has been quite an issue lately... maybe with a little "sparking cider" I would loosen up quite nicely... ok joke. T minus 3 hours until my mom calls and tells me to take that part off.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello, Beautiful

Confession: ONE of the billion reasons why I was excited to get married was this beauty. I remember growing up and on Sundays making cookies in a KitchenAid and I knew I wanted one. No, it doens't make me lazy because I don't want to stir it by hand but because it makes everything taste so much better! These were my cookies that I made for Trent's school classes he teaches and they turned out great!

Thanks family for the awesome present!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Might as well call me urkel

These two pictures I consider to be self portraits. Lately I have been wondering why am I so awkward! I have had so many moments wondering, "Lauren what is wrong with you, should have stopped talking forever ago". Thank you Trent for loving me even though I am socially awkward. I have figured out the root of the issue, I can not stand lulls in the conversation, I feel this need to keep it going!
I have so many friends who know what to say at the right time. They are not awkward, uptight or socially painful like moi. So if you have the secret, PLEASE for the sake of everyone who knows me.. share.

This is starting to get in the way of life... my job ( how can I sell products to people when I am weird) and if I want to be a zumba instructor (watching me dance all over the place... in spandex.. yelling.. yeah probably not).


Trent and I leave for our honeymoon in 17 days and I wish these were the clothes I was bringing with me. Jcrew I love you.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Father Foutz

This is my dad... he is da
He even goes along with my kooky ideas to dance with me at my wedding... this ain't no typical father daughter dance.

I haven't been home in a while but still I have this deep appreciation for my dad. This week I needed a huge favor (because he has the hookup doctor wise). He jumped right on it and it was taken care of immediatley and now I can know I will be taken care of! He didn't even complain (which reminds me, I have never heard him complain). He takes care of our family no matter how far away from the "nest" we are and no matter how old ( ps ever year on my birthday he writes " 25 I can't believe it". Yup pops you are getting older too). I am eternally grateful to be blessed with an amazing father and patriarch in the family. Love you dad!!

Don't worry mom... you are tomorrow!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Does 60 points count!?

We went to the Provo Beach Resort with Trent's cousins a while back.. here are some pictures I neglected to post. Yes, we went with his cousins... I guess we are so vain I just post pictures of ourselves.

yes, I know I look goofy, I bowl goofy too.

He has skill.

Yes, I know. We are cute